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Monday 28 October 2019

8 Tips of How to Get Rid of Dandruff Easily

8 Tips of How to Get Rid of Dandruff Easily

Tip number 1 

  • 2 tablespoon of olive oil 
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice 

Mix them together and massage your scalp for about 10 to 15 minutes with this oil mixer then wash your hair with any light chemical shampoo after an hour I recommend you to wash your hair with Selsun blue shampoo click here to buy Selsun blue shampoo
to buy the ready made mixture click the link below 


Tip number 2 

Take Neem tree (Azadirachta indica) leaves and wash them put them into boiling water. Boil the leaves for 6 to 8 minutes then raise your hair with this water daily repeat this method for 2 weeks.

Tip number 3

  • Fenugreek seeds (methi dana) = 2 tablespoon
  • Olive oil 1/4 tablespoon
  • lemon juice 5 tablespoon
Grand Fenugreek seeds (methi dana) and make thick paste. Apply this paste on the roots of you hairs cover your hairs and leave it overnight. After wakening up in the morning, dust out the power with your hands and comb. After that take a towel, dip it into hot water, rising the towel, then cover your head with this towel for few minutes. Then wash your hair with light chemical shampoo or baby shampoo. At the end mix olive oil and lemon juice. Massage your wet hair with this mixture of oil.
If you feel any difference in first attempt, repeat it again for couple of days. 

Tip number 4

  • Gram flour (Basin) - 12g
  • Wheat flour husk - 36g
  • Fenugreek seeds - 36g
  • Mustard seed - 36g
  • Rosewater - 2 tbsp
  • Pure vinegar - 2tbsp
Mix all ingredients and grand them into a paste. Apply it on your scalp. Wash your hair after 10 minutes. Repeat this method twice or thrice a week.

Tip number 5

  • Mustard oil (sarson ka tail) - 2 tbsp
  • Glycerin - 1 tbsp

Mix both ingredients and massage it on your scalp with your finger tips. 
Wash your hair after an hour. Repeat this method continuously for a month before every bath.

Tip number 6

Take a quarter orange and squeeze it to get real fresh juice. Now massage your scalp with this orange juice. Leave it for an hour. After 1 hour wash your hair with baby shampoo. Repeat this method before every bath for a month.

Tip number 7

Take beetroot leaves and boil it in water for about 8 to 10 minutes. Now filter the water with strainer. Fill spray bottle with the filtered water that you collected. Spray it on your hair, make sure to spray all part of your head. Don't wash your hair and leave the mixture on you hair until it dried. Repeat this method thrice a week and you will get the best results after the month.

Tip number 8

Massage your hair roots with glycerin for atleast 30 minutes. Leave it for about an hour. wash your hair with normal shampoo. Repeat this method for a month.


  • Use always only herbal natural ingredients.
  • Always use light chemical shampoos.
  • if you are sensitive to any of the given. ingredients, do not use it again.
  • Do not apply these tips on damages scalp skin.
  • if the problem persist, consult your doctor immediately.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

How to make your face glow naturally by lemons

How to make your face glow naturally by lemons

Beauty tips for girls 

It is a dream of women to have a healthy glowing skin. Due to pollution and the use of chemical products our skins became dull and some time get pimples.

This tip is so simple and easy to apply. All you have to do is to take 7 to 8 drops of fresh lemon and massage it on your face, neck, and even on your feet. You can see the result in a couple of days.


1- Apply lemon when you are ready to go to bed.
2- Leave it overnight.
3- If the lemon runs into your eyes, wash them with tap water.

Monday 13 May 2019

How to naturally treat hair loss

How to naturally treat hair loss

Hair loss treatment for men

Hair loss treatment for men

Hair loss treatment for women

Hair loss treatment for women

For a beauty look, our hair always take an important role. Men as well as women now a days are very worried because of hair fall. 

There are some reasons for falling of hairs. Some are pregnancy, dandruff, deficiency of calcium or zinc skin disease etc.

As I always give you some easy and simple tips. This tip is best hair loss treatment for female and men.

  • Almond oil 2 Tb sp

  • Milk 2 Tb sp

Mix them and massage in your hair’s roots for about 10 to 15 min gently. Leave it for half hour then wash then with light chemical shampoo repeat this method twice a week. 

You can see the result in a week and after consistent using this natural remedy you will notice that your hair are regrowing.


  • Don’t use powder milk.

  • Don’t use hard chemical shampoo. Baby shampoo is much better.

  • If you have serious skin problem or rashes please consult the doctor.

Here are simple ways you can naturally whiten your teeth.

Here are simple ways you can naturally whiten your teeth.

How to whiten teeth at home in one day  

Whiten up your teeth

   A beauty is incomplete with a perfect smile. A person smiles better and confidently when his / her teeth are bright, white and healthy.

   Sometimes teeth got dark or black spots because of smoking. As smoking  is not good for our lungs as well as not for our teeth.

   For this problem, I have a simple  and easy tip to a white and clean teeth.

1) Take lemon skin powder 1 tea sp.2) Salt a pinch.


Mix both powder and brush your teeth with that mixture twice a day. After one week you feel a good difference.

P.S            This tip is only for brighter teeth not for plaque.                             
For lemon skin powder

1st method

Peel lemon, dry lemon skin in sun and grand it.

2nd method

Grind the lemon skin in apple juice.  

Sunday 12 May 2019

How to lose weight fast without exercise in a month | How to lose weight fast at home in a month without exercise

Fat is a nightmare for all women. There are many reasons for gaining weight. For example: High blood pressure, low  metabolism rate, kidneys issues, Harmon's disturbance. etc...

The following tip is very simple and yummy as well. I myself have a problem of low metabolism rate and due to it I have lots of appetite problem. But after using this sauce, my hunger becomes better and I enjoy eating my food as well and also loose my weight fast.

For this magical sauce you need:

Ingredients for making of sauce
1.               Coriander
1 cup
2.               Mint leaves
1 cup
3.               Garlic
2 cloves
4.               Ginger
1 cm cube
5.               Black seed
1 tbsp
6.               Carom Seeds
1 tbsp
7.               Fenugreek
1 tbsp
8.               Salt
As per taste

Method for making and usign of sauce

Mix all the above ingredients in jug and grind them and make a paste.

Now take 1 table spoon of this sauce with your every regular meal.

How to get rid of dark circles under eyes fast - Tip for the dark circles under eyes treatment

Dark Circles Under Eyes Treatment

What causes dark circles under your eyes?

Dark circles are getting common problem in men and women both and they are generally caused by certain reasons. One of the main reasons that causes dark circles to appear under your lower eye lids is lack of sleep.


Some people are living very stressful lives and their daily routine and hard work is also one of the cause.

Other causes of appearance dark circles under your eyes are also accompanied by bags, Hormonal changes, Hereditary, Fatigue, Eye Strain, Allergies, Dehydration, Sun overexpose and many more.

Elderly aged people are also common with dark circles.

Though they can effect any one and if these dark circles not treated on time they will not darken more, they will even get worse and lead to serious health issues. 

Read on to learn more about in detail and how you can get rid of these dark circles under your eyes by naturally, easily and fast at home. 

Dark circles is a big problem for all the beautiful women or girls. To make yourself more attractive you have to get rid of your dark circles.

At-Home treatments

1) Almond Oil
Almond oil is very rich in Vitamin E and K, both of which will brighten your under eye lids. It will also improve blood circulation. Almond oil has got anti-inflammatory properties which can help to reduce morning swelling.

How to use almond oil to get rid of dark circles under eyes?

All you need to do is to follow these easiest steps:
  1)  Take 1 tea spoon of Almond oil.
  2)  Put some drops of Almond oil on your finger tips.
  3)  Gently massage on your lower eye lids.
  4)  Also massage upper eye lids too.

Daily massage of Almond oil regularly is very essential to get rid of dark circle in just a week or two.


  1) Rinse your eyes with tap water if Almond oil runs into your eyes.
  2) Drink at least 12 glasses of water daily.
  3) Sleep 7 - 9 hours daily.
  4) If you have iron deficiency, consult your doctor.

2) Coconut Oil

How to get rid of dark circles with coconut oil?

Sometimes we get dark circles because of the disturbance of our daily bed time routine setup.
Always remember this:
"Early to bed, Early to Rise makes man healthy, wealthy and wise" 
     Always not to wake up till mid night or over night. 8 hours of deep sleep is very essential for a healthy body.

Follow these easy steps to apply Coconut oil:

  1)  Mix 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and 1 teaspoon of Olive oil well.
  2)  Pour your finger tips with this mixture.
  3)  Gently massage your eye lids with your finger tips.
  4)  Always remember dont pour or massage our eyes with this oil. Only apply oil mixture to your lids.

  1)  Go to bed early and wake up early in the morning.
  2)  Sleep minimum 8 hours in night.
  3)  Drink 8 glass of water  daily.
 4)  Take dairy products (like milk, yogurt, eggs, cheese), Fruits and vegetables in your diet.

3)  Potato and Honey

How can I apply potato and honey mixture to get rid of dark circles?

Potatoes contain both Vitamin A and C, they are rich in starch and other enzymes that help to get rid of dark circles and brighten your lids. For easy and quick DIY, follow these simple steps:

  1)  Grate half a potato and strain the juice.
  2)  Take 1 teaspoon of honey and combine with potato juice.
  3)  Again, pour your finger tips with this juice and apply gently on your eye lids.
  4)  Leave the mixture on your lid for 30 minutes.
  5)  After 30 minutes wipe it away with a damp cloth.

4)  Palms

Is this really helps to remove dark circles?

General weakness or weakness after serious illness, we get the dark circles that's indicates "We are not okay". But all you need is a easy natural tip to get rid of these ugly thing. So move on for our next easy, simple and natural tip to take care of dark circles. All you need is your palms. Yes, really this sounds funny. But believe me, it definitely works.
After waking up in the morning rub your hands together until they warm up little. When they warm up put your hands on your eyes and cover them with your warm palms. Repeat it daily.

  1)  Along with this easy tip eat healthy foods.
  2)  Drink plenty of water 
  3)  Get deep sleep for 8 to 10 hours in night.
  4)  Rise up early in the morning.

5)  Tea Bags:
  This is a very simple, cheap and natural thing which is always available in our homes.
  We drink tea daily. Don't throw the tea bags after use it. Instead of throwing it, refrigerate it for an hour. Put these tea bags on your eyes just like we put slice of cucumber on our closed eyes. Relax for 10 to 15 minutes. You will see the difference in a week.

6) Rose water and Almond oil:

Generally, people use rosewater to protect their skin from skin diseases. Of course, Rose water is your natural medicine for various skin conditions. The use of rosewater is not only useful for your outer skin but also improves your body's internal system. You can use Rosewater as a thirst to get rid of all skin problems and preserve the beauty of the skin.

Tip - How to apply almond oil with rose water?

  • Almond oil - take few drops of almond oil
  • Rosewater - 2 teaspoon
Massage almond oil around your eyes with finger tips. Wipe oil after 5 minutes with soft tissue or cotton. Dip cotton with cool Rose - water and close your eyes, relax and feel the calmness for 5 to 10 minutes. Dark circle will be vanish after a week.

For more information regarding dark circle you can ask us in comment section or fill contact us form. 

Thank you for reading.

8 Tips of How to Get Rid of Dandruff Easily

8 Tips of How to Get Rid of Dandruff Easily Tip number 1  2 tablespoon of olive oil  1 tablespoon of lemon juice  Mix them togethe...